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See detailed pages:
Sauver les médias. Capitalisme, financement participatif et démocratie. Editions du Seuil, La République des Idées, 2015.
English translation, Saving the Media. Capitalism, Crowdfunding and Democracy. Harvard University Press, 2016.
Other editions
China (CITIC Press Corporation), Germany (BECK Verlag), Italy (Bompiani), Japan (Tokuma Shoten), Korea (Geulhangari Publishers), Portugal (Temas e debates), Romania (, Serbia (Akademska Knjiga), Spain (Anagrama), Turkey (Kültür).
Prix special du Jury of the 2016 edition of the “Prix des Assises”
The “Assises internationals du journalisme et de l’information”, organized by the Association Journalisme & Citoyenneté, is one of its most important events of the year whose goal is to foster debate and exchange between journalists and other information professionals and experts, as well as citizens.